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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-05-25  浏览次数:1191
核心提示:Q Does it matter whether or not I wash out food and drinks cans before putting them in the recycling box and what proportion of all those cans we use is actually recycled? A Imagine life as a waste sorter or, perhaps more correctly, a recycling oper

    Q Does it matter whether or not I wash out food and drinks cans before putting them in the recycling box — and what proportion of all those cans we use is actually recycled?

    A Imagine life as a waste sorter or, perhaps more correctly, a recycling operative. It is early in the morning and you are wading through the Jones’s rubbish. Pick up one tin and you’re splattered with baked beans. Another is half full of old cat food. Meanwhile one of your boots is saturated with left-over canned beer.

    While all tins that go for recycling pass through a washing, heating and crunching process which eliminates contamination from food and other products, most local authorities insist on washed and empty goods. Indeed, many refuse to take soiled tins. This is not only out of kindness to the collectors and sorters: tins with food left in them can smell and attract rats and other animals. Also relatively clean tins make recycling easier and cheaper — an important point in the continuing argument over ever- increasing council tax bills.

    Though we might like to think that we buy more fresh produce these days, our appetite for tinned goods is stronger than ever. Around 12 billion steel food and drink cans — or about 600 per household — are used in the UK each year, plus at least another five billion aluminium drinks cans. Of those amounts, approximately 25 per cent of the steel and 50 per cent of the aluminium cans are recycled.

    Recycling rates are improving, but as in most areas of waste processing, the UK lags well behind many countries in Europe. For example, Switzerland and Finland recycle more than 80 per cent of their tins and cans.

    Most metals can be recycled indefinitely without losing their essential properties and, compared with plastic and many other packaging products, are ideal for recycling. This is particularly true of aluminium. Cans, foil, chocolate wrapping and yoghurt pot tops can be recycled and used time and again. Details of a scheme to encourage more aluminium recycling while at the same time raising cash for various charities can be found at

    The economic downturn has caused severe problems for recyclers of steel tins, with prices at one stage recently dropping to zero compared with £230 per tonne a year ago. The result is a build-up of stocks in many areas — and all the more reason for washing those tins.

    Recycling companies report that some people put their used tins in the dishwasher: that’s a bit extreme and a waste of energy. A good rinse should be enough.



    虽然说罐头听在回收前都要经过清洗、加温、压扁等过程,以避免食物和其它制品产生污染,可多数地方政府还是坚持要把罐头听先清洗并倒干净。没错儿,有污染的罐头听不能收。这不仅是体谅收集和分类的人员(留有食物的罐头听有异味,而且招惹老鼠和别的动物),并且,比较干净的罐头听回收起来更容易、也更经济(这点很重要,因为关于不断提高地方税收(council tax)的争论一直在继续)。







关键词: 罐头筒 回收
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