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核心提示:Acupuncture is a popular alternative medical treatment for pain. This is the insertion of fine metallic needles at strategic points in your body. Acupuncture was first used in China over 2,000 years ago. First, attracted attention in the United Stat

    Acupuncture is a popular alternative medical treatment for pain. This is the insertion of fine metallic needles at strategic points in your body. Acupuncture was first used in China over 2,000 years ago. First, attracted attention in the United States in 1971 when the New York Times, James Reston wrote about how impressed I was with the postoperative pain relief was acupuncture.

    Chinese and Western theories about how acupuncture heals the human body are very different. According to TCM, everything in nature, including the human body has two opposing forces: yin and yang. The force is very passive Yin and Yang is very active force. There is also the idea that there is an energy flow, known as Qi, which flows through pathways known as meridians in the body. Each meridian corresponds to one or more organs. While the qi flows properly, there is a balance between yin and yang and his body will be healthy. If you stop the flow of Qi, this will cause an imbalance between yin and yang, which causes the disease. Qi is accessible through approximately 400 acupuncture points on the human body that are connected to the meridians. These acupuncture points are places near the surface of the skin. To restore the proper flow of Qi, an acupuncturist inserts thin needles, metal acupuncture points in various combinations.

    Western scientists have different explanations for how acupuncture heals the body. One theory suggests that during the acupuncture treatment, opioids are released in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), which reduces pain. Acupuncture has also been found to stimulate the nerves of the spinal cord, causing neurotransmitter release, suppressing the pain. This theory was verified by brain imaging of a medical study that showed that acupuncture increases your pain threshold. Another theory is that acupuncture increases blood flow around the treated area. The increased blood flow and provide additional nutrients or remove toxic substances. Western scientists have also determined that acupuncture points are conductors of electromagnetic signals. These scientists believe that acupuncture stimulates these acupuncture points and the speed of electromagnetic signals. These signals will help send biochemical analgesics, such as endorphins, the body parts injured.

    According to a United States National Institute of Health (NIH) entitled "Acupuncture: NIH Consensus Statement," acupuncture is effective in treating various medical conditions. It was effective in relieving postoperative dental pain and adult postoperative and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. It was also effective in treating tennis elbow, addiction, stroke, menstrual pain, osteoarthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and asthma. Study starting in 2006 the Mayo Clinic showed that acupuncture significantly relieves symptoms of fibromyalgia. The NIH report also indicated that the side effects of acupuncture are less harmful than medical drugs or surgery. Acupuncture is accepted by the mainstream as a legitimate medical treatment. A number of medical schools such as UCLA, have classes in acupuncture training in their curriculum. In 1995, the Food and Drug Administration classified acupuncture needles as medical instruments. Many American insurance companies offer full coverage of acupuncture treatment for certain medical conditions.

    针灸是一种很受大众欢迎的止痛替代方法,这种方法是把细细的金属针刺入你身体的某个特定穴位。2000多年前在中国首先开始使用针灸技术,1971年James Reston在纽约时报(the New York Times)上写了一篇关于针灸如何缓解疼痛的文章,这还是针灸首次在美国引起注意。中医与西医关于针灸治病原理上解释不尽相同,根据中国传统医学得知自然界的万物都有两股力量存在,即阴与阳,人体也不例外。阴的作用是被动的,阳是主动地。还有一种流动的能量称之为气,此气沿着经络在体内流动,每条经脉与一至多个脏器相对应,当气顺畅流动时阴与阳即保持平衡,身体处于健康状态;如果气流动受阻,就导致阴、阳失衡,引起疾病。可接受之气与人体经络上大约400个穴位相通,针灸穴位位于皮肤表层,为了保障气的顺畅流动,针灸治疗师会将细细的金属针以各种不同的方式、方法刺入穴位。


    根据美国国家健康机构(NIH)授权"针灸学:国家健康机构(NIH)一致同意,特此声明。"针灸能有效的治疗各种疾病。它能有效地缓解牙科手术后疼痛、成人手术后疼痛、由化疗导致的恶心和呕吐。它还能有效的治疗网球肘、药瘾、中风、痛经、骨关节炎、腰背痛、腕管综合征和哮喘。美国梅育医学院(Mayo Clinic)研究显示针灸能非常有效的缓解肌纤维疼痛,这项研究始于2006年。美国国家健康机构(NIH)也指出针灸的副作用与药物和手术相比对人体伤害很小。针灸是法律上允许的医疗方法越来越被大众所接受,一系列医学院校例如加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)在课程计划中安排有针灸实践课。1995年国家食品药品监督局把针灸针也纳入医疗仪器中,很多美国的保险公司也为针灸治疗中发生的某种情况而作全额保险。

关键词: 针灸 基础概述
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