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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-08-25
核心提示:The majority of Australian men are fat but only half know it, according to research showing many are in denial about their weight. Obesity experts say men's acceptance of the beer belly and bigger is better approach to size are behind results of a n

The majority of Australian men are fat but only half know it, according to research showing many are in denial about their weight.

Obesity experts say men's acceptance of the beer belly and "bigger is better" approach to size are behind results of a national analysis showing perception problems with male weight.

More than 60% of men have a body mass index of more than 30, making them clinically overweight, yet only 36% perceive themselves to be.

Women are better at recognising their extra weight, and if affluent and well-educated they are likely to overestimate rather than underestimate their weight.

The study, using data from the National Health Survey of 34,000 adults, was published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Researchers Dr Katrina Giskes and Jessica Siu, from the Queensland University of Technology, said the findings proved the sexes interpreted weight differently.

Women who overestimated their weight were at risk of body image problems. And while believing they were lighter had "some psychological benefits" for men, they were less likely to respond to public health messages about weight because they did not think they had a problem.

"The risks associated with incorrect perceptions can't be ignored," the researchers said.



60% 以上的男人具有超过30的身体质量指数,使他们成为临床上超重患者,但是只有36% 的人认为自己确实有问题。


这项研究采用了34,000名成年人的全国健康调查数据,发表在 澳大利亚和新西兰公众健康杂志 上。来自昆士兰科技大学的研究者博士卡特里娜Giskes和杰西卡 Siu彬表示,调查证实不同的性别以不同的方式诠释体重。



关键词: 啤酒肚 越大越好
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