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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-10-09
核心提示:Millions of Britons are increasing their chances of getting cancer because they do not know that alcohol, processed meat and poor diet can cause the disease. Many people are confused about what raises or reduces someone's likelihood of becoming a vi

    Millions of Britons are increasing their chances of getting cancer because they do not know that alcohol, processed meat and poor diet can cause the disease. Many people are confused about what raises or reduces someone's likelihood of becoming a victim of the country's second biggest killer.

    Forty-four per cent of people questioned by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) thought stress increased the risk of cancer but just 36 per cent identified alcohol as a factor. This is despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence linking anxiety to the disease but numerous research studies which have linked drinking to five different forms of it, notably breast cancer.

    Half of the population did not know that being overweight is a danger and 43 per cent were unaware that poor diet increases risk, according to a survey of 2,018 people by YouGov for the WCRF. In addition, just 32 per cent knew that eating processed meat is a potential health risk.

    Lisa Cooney, head of education at the WCRF, said: 'There is no sound evidence that things like coffee, sweeteners and stress increase risk of cancer but a significant number of people clearly believe it is the case.'



    根据 YouGov公司(一个英国的市场调研公司)为WCRF所作的2018份调查,有半数的人茫然不知超重是一个危险因素,并且43%的被访者全然未知不良的饮食习惯会增加患病危险。此外,仅有32%的人知道食用加工过的肉类,对健康是一种潜在的危险。



关键词: 健康 知识 癌症
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