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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-03-19
核心提示:Listen up, guys. Girls want bad boys. Thats right.They want bad boys and they want them baaaaad. I have this one lady friend who manages to get all kinds of guys collapsing at her feet, and Im talking some really nice gents. These are the kind of gu

Listen up, guys.
Girls want bad boys.
That’s right.They want bad boys and they want them baaaaad.

I have this one lady friend who manages to get all kinds of guys collapsing at her feet, and I’m talking some really nice gents.
These are the kind of guys who wine her, dine her, and shower her with flowers, perfume and gifts.
But does she want these “good guys?”
No way, Jose.
She wants them down, dirty and bad.
And she’s not alone.

Why, you ask?
What’s a nice looking woman like this doing in a zone like that?
I have a few theories which I’ll pass on to you below:

1. Whether they admit it or not, women love excitement!They love the ongoing surprise element, wondering when he’s going to call, if he’s going to ask her out, will he be drunk or stoned when she sees him.

2. Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy.Not that all bad boys fit this physical mold, but the dirtier, the messier the hair, and the grubbier the clothes, the faster she’ll come running.

3. Traveling to the edge, and maybe even over: the good girl relishes the pure thrill of traveling to the edge with her bad boy. Not that she’ll participate in his hard drinking, wild riding, heavy smoking practices, but boy does she like to go along for the wild ride!

4. Her nurturing side revs into overdrive.Many women ascribe to the “fix-it” style of relationship, and what better to fix than a bad boy?

Aha – want to be a bad boy?
Okay, here are a few things you can do to take on that persona

1. Dress the part: this is no time for dockers and starched shirts. We’re talking jeans and t-shirts – the grubbier the better.

2. Hygiene: this is a tough one because you certainly don’t want to smell like the town dump, but a little BO is an unbelievable aphrodisiac.Also, get a little grease under those fingernails, like you’ve spent the day in the garage crawling around car engines.

3. Getting the voice and lingo down: Spend an evening or two in a biker bar.Listen to how the bad boy bikers talk.Copy them.

4. Take up smoking: this may be a tough one, but you can always just swish the smoke around in your mouth rather than inhale.

5. Transportation: speaking of bikers, get your own bike, or if that’s not an option, find yourself a souped up car with a LOUD muffler.

6. Drink beer with whisky chasers: need I say more?

7. Music: hard core, acid rock, and turn it up loud!!!

8. Be erratic: be unreliable as hell in calling her.Tell her you’ll call at a certain time, and then don’t call.Call her in the middle of the night.Tell her you want to see her and then never follow up.Get her on a wild goose chase – AFTER YOU!!!!

So, fellas, there you are, my advice on how to become a bad boy and have the girls flocking to your door.











1. 不管她们愿不愿意承认,女人喜欢令人兴奋的东西!她们喜欢突如其来的要素,好奇着他何时会打来电话,他是否会约她出去,当她见到他时,他是否酩酊大醉。

2. 女人喜欢粗犷,健美,有男人气,且坏得出了名的男孩。不是说所有坏小子都符合这样的生理特征,但头发越脏越乱,衣服越邋遢,她就会越快地走过来。

3. 行走在越轨边缘,或许甚至出轨:好女孩喜欢品尝跟着她的坏男孩一起出轨时那种纯粹的激奋感。不是说她会去参加他的豪饮,或狂飙,或吞云吐雾,但坏男孩使她喜欢一起跟着去狂飙!

4. 她母性方面的教子欲过度膨胀。很多女人都归属于一种“修复它”模式的感情关系,那么还能有什么会比修复一个坏男孩更好的呢?


1. 衣着方面:穿正装和笔挺衬衣是不合时宜的。我们要穿牛仔裤和T恤——越脏越好。

2. 卫生:这有点难为你了,因为你肯定不愿意自己嗅如鲍肆。但一点点体臭(BO)却是不可思议的春药。还有,手指甲上带有一些油污,就好象你刚在汽车修理厂呆了一天,摸爬滚打在汽车引擎之间。

3. 让说话声音和词语下流些:花一两个晚上泡在骑行族酒吧里。听听那些骑行族的坏小子们是怎么说话的。模仿他们。

4. 开始抽烟:这可能会难为你,但你总可以只让烟雾萦绕在嘴里而并不吸入。

5. 交通工具:对于骑车族,弄辆自己的车;如果想要其他选择,那么就为自己找辆加大马力的汽车,而且带上噪音很响的消音器。

6. 喝完啤酒再喝威士忌:我需要多说吗?

7. 音乐:听硬核,酸性摇滚,并且开足音量!!!

8. 弄得飘忽不定:给她打电话没个准谱,其不可靠性游离得一塌糊涂。告诉她你会在某个时间打电话给她,到时却不打。在午夜时分给她打电话。对她说你想要见她,然后就不续下文。让她水中捞月——你是月亮!!!



关键词: 女孩子 喜欢 坏小子
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