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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-10-13
核心提示:The full list of winners 全部获奖名单: Veterinary medicine 兽医奖: Catherine Douglas and Peter Rowlinson of Newcastle University, UK, for showing that cows with names give more milk than cows that are nameless. 英国纽卡斯尔大学学者凯瑟琳道格拉斯和

    The full list of winners 全部获奖名单:

    Veterinary medicine 兽医奖:

    Catherine Douglas and Peter Rowlinson of Newcastle University, UK, for showing that cows with names give more milk than cows that are nameless.


    Peace 和平奖:

    Stephan Bolliger, Steffen Ross, Lars Oesterhelweg, Michael Thali and Beat Kneubuehl of the University of Bern, Switzerland, for determining whether it is better to be smashed over the head with a full bottle of beer or with an empty bottle.


    Biology 生物奖:

    Fumiaki Taguchi, Song Guofu and Zhang Guanglei of Kitasato University Graduate School of Medical Sciences in Sagamihara, Japan, for demonstrating that kitchen refuse can be reduced more than 90% in mass by using bacteria extracted from the faeces of giant pandas.


    Literature 文学奖:

    Ireland's police service for writing and presenting more than 50 traffic tickets to the most frequent driving offender in the country--Prawo Jazdy--whose name in Polish means "Driving Licence".


    Medicine 医学奖:

    Donald Unger of Thousand Oaks, California, US, for investigating a possible cause of arthritis of the fingers, by diligently cracking the knuckles of his left hand but not his right hand every day for more than 60 years.


    Economics 经济学奖:

    The directors, executives, and auditors of four Icelandic banks for demonstrating that tiny banks can be rapidly transformed into huge banks, and vice versa (and for demonstrating that similar things can be done to an entire national economy).


    Physics 物理奖:

    Katherine K Whitcome of the University of Cincinnati, Daniel E Lieberman of Harvard University and Liza J Shapiro of the University of Texas, all in the US, for analytically determining why pregnant women do not tip over.


    Chemistry 化学奖:

    Javier Morales, Miguel Apatiga and Victor M Castano of Universidad Nacional Autonoma in Mexico, for creating diamonds from tequila.


    Mathematics 数学奖:

    Gideon Gono, governor of Zimbabwe's Reserve Bank, for giving people a simple, everyday way to cope with a wide range of numbers by having his bank print notes with denominations ranging from one cent to one hundred trillion dollars.


    Public Health 公共卫生奖:

    Elena N Bodnar, Raphael C Lee, and Sandra Marijan of Chicago, US, for inventing a bra that can be quickly converted into a pair of gas masks--one for the wearer and one to be given to a needy bystander.


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