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核心提示:Deciding to get married is the easy part - at least, compared with the expense and effort that shopping for the engagement ring entails. These sparkly manifestations of committed relationships will set shoppers back an average of $5,795 this year, a

    Deciding to get married is the easy part - at least, compared with the expense and effort that shopping for the engagement ring entails.

    These sparkly manifestations of committed relationships will set shoppers back an average of $5,795 this year, according to market researcher The Wedding Report. And thanks to a combination of a weak dollar and high consumer demand, which has sent gold and diamond prices skyrocketing, engagement rings are only getting more expensive.

    Inflated expectations (mostly on the part of the bride-to-be) about that all-important ring have also pushed prices higher, says Elena Mauer, a senior associate editor at Bridal Guide magazine. Today, most women expect at least a one-carat diamond, while just five years ago a half-carat stone would have sufficed. (Such factors aren't to be ignored: 28% of women say they would turn down a proposal if they didn't like the ring, according to the market research division of Clerical Medical Investment Group, a U.K.-based investment advisor.)

    The general spending rule is to expect to pay the equivalent of two months' salary - or at least that's what the jewelry makers advise. "Affordability is different for every couple, so that's just a starting point," explains Jerry Ehrenwald, president of the International Gemological Institute, a nonprofit industry group.

    The challenge of putting a price on their priceless love leads many consumers to overspend. But there are plenty of ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality. Here's how:

    Reassess the rock

    It's impossible to shop for a diamond without knowing the four Cs. But educating yourself (visit the Gemological Institute of America) has the added advantage of helping you figure out where to splurge, and where to save:

    Clarity. Look for a stone of VS2 or better, which means none of the inclusions are visible to the naked eye. The stone is a far cry from flawless, concedes Ehrenwald, but who will ever know?

    Color. Even a stone on the less-favorable end of the color scale can look stunning in a ring, says Antoinette Matlins, author of "Engagement & Wedding Rings: The Definitive Buying Guide for People in Love." You'll typically notice less color while looking at the stone from the top down anyway (appraisers grade by looking at the side), and the metal of the setting further masks the tones.

    Carat. Stones jump in price at the carat mark. Look for so-called light carats - those just a little below, say, a 0.95 instead of a one carat. "Visually, you wouldn't be able to see a difference," says Ehrenwald. Pricewise, you will. At Union Diamond, a loose 0.95-carat stone (ideal cut, F, VVS2) is $8,075. The one-carat equivalent costs $11,294.

    Cut. The way a stone is cut largely determines its final appearance, and so has the least wiggle room of any of the four Cs. Get the best cut you can, advises David Levi, owner of David Levi Diamonds in La Jolla, Calif. Trading up yields the most improvement in a diamond's value.

    Consider other shapes

    Round, brilliant-cut diamonds are the most popular shape for engagement rings - and perhaps not coincidentally, the most expensive per carat, says Matlins. Opt for a significantly less expensive oval, marquis or pear cut, which carry more of the carat weight at the top, thereby appearing larger. At, you'd pay $8,209 for a round diamond (1.01 carats, F, VS1, very good cut) set in white gold. In comparison, you'd pay $5,717 for the same ring set with a pear-shaped stone of the same attributes; $6,174 for a marquis, or $5,803 for an oval.

    Not all shapes offer such a great deal, though. Steer clear of radiant and princess stones if you don't want to stretch your budget. "These shapes, though popular, tend to have a lot of carat weight at the bottom, which can make them look smaller," she says.

    Go generic

    Tiffany & Co. boasts of its "Lucida" stones, Kay Jewelers showcases the "Leo Diamond" from Leo Schachter Diamonds, and Hearts on Fire's eponymous diamonds are sold by independent jewelers nationwide. Such branded diamonds employ trademarked precision cuts to maximize brilliance. As a result, these stones cost 15% to 20% more than a generic (i.e. unbranded) diamond of the same attributes, says Martin D. Fuller, an independent jewelry appraiser based in McLean, Va. You're paying for the name, not necessarily a better stone. And should that brand lose favor with fickle consumers, there's no added value down the line.

    Cut loose

    Buying a loose diamond from a wholesaler can save you hundreds of dollars. The savings will more than make up for what you'd pay to have the stone put in a setting. A half-carat stone (G, VS2, very good cut), for example, has an average retail price of $2,238, but could cost as little as $1,272 when purchased through a wholesaler, according to Diamond Review, an independent diamond education and pricing web site. Shenoa & Co. in New York City's famed diamond district has several that fit the bill, ranging in price from $1,140 to $1,458.

    Skimp on the setting

    No one will be ogling your fiancé's ring for the band, says Mauer. "Focus your spending on the center stone, rather than the setting," she says. At, a platinum setting with a half-carat in accent diamonds is $2,205, while a simple cathedral setting in platinum is $875. If you have your heart set on a fancy setting, consider swapping pricey platinum for white gold or palladium (a member of the platinum family), which offer a similar look for less than half the price. In 18K white gold, those same bands would be $1,107 and $490, respectively.

    Hone your haggling skills

    The markup on engagement rings can easily be 300% over wholesale costs, so there's plenty of wiggle room when it comes to negotiating a lower price, says Matlins. "Mall chain stores have the highest markup, ironically because they're so competitive," she says. "To afford the occasional 50%-off sale, the regular retail price has to be much steeper." Independent jewelers tend to have slimmer profit markups, as well as more leeway to offer discounts. In such a competitive market, many jewelers will give you a deal for buying the whole ring (instead of having them set a loose stone you bought elsewhere), or for agreeing to come back later to purchase wedding bands. Because credit-card merchant fees are high, some stores will even give a 3% discount if you pay by cash instead.

    Mine online retailers

    Prices can be up to 40% cheaper when you buy online. But you'll have to be more vigilant about which sites you buy from, says Levi. Price compare at several stores, and steer clear of sites where prices are significantly less than others you've seen. That's a good indication you're looking at low-value, lab-enhanced stones or outright fakes, complete with a fraudulent appraisal report.

    Buck tradition

    Diamonds are still a girl's best friend, serving as the centerpiece stone in 90% of engagement rings, according to The Wedding Report. But there's something to be said for going the nontraditional route. Rings set with colored gemstones are very trendy right now - and very affordable, too, says Mauer. "Colored gems are less expensive [than diamonds], which means you can get a larger, better-quality stone for your budget," she says. At Blue Nile, a three-stone white gold ring set with an oval-cut sapphire (just shy of one carat, good color, no visible flaws) and flanked by two 0.15-carat diamonds goes for $1,575. If you opted for a white diamond of comparable quality instead, that price would get you a 0.30-carat center stone, max. (For a diamond the same size as the sapphire, you'd pay $4,313.) One caveat: Knowing the four Cs of diamonds won't help you here. Our shopping guides for colored pearls can help you figure out what to look for.


    据市场调研报告《婚礼报告》显示,今年,这些用来表现爱情承诺的闪闪发光的钻石的销售商平均会少赚5795美元(These sparkly manifestations of committed relationships will set shoppers back an average of $5,795 this year, according to market researcher The Wedding Report.)同时,由于市场疲软和高消费需求的结合,使得黄金和钻石价格飞涨,结婚戒指则更贵。

    对这件非常重要的结婚戒指过高的期望(主要是准新娘)也对结婚戒指价格的飙升起了推波助澜的作用,《婚礼指南》杂志的高级副主编埃莱娜莫尔说。现在,大多数女性都会希望买至少一克拉的钻石,而仅仅五年前,半克拉的钻石就足够满足她们了。(有些因素不容忽视:28%的女士说,如果她们不喜欢男士送的戒指就会拒绝他们的求婚,这一数据来自于英国市场研究部门的投资顾问公司Clerical Medical Investment Group的市场研究报告。)

    一般的预算支出是两个月的薪水,或者至少珠宝制造商是这样建议的。"每对夫妇的支付能力不同,所以这只是最低的估计,"国际珠宝协会主席Jerry Ehrenwald解释说,国际珠宝协会是一家非营利性的机构。


    一、Reassess the rock重新对钻石估价

    去买钻石不可能不知道四个C.但是,要告诉自己知道一些额外的知识能够帮你决定哪些需要挥霍哪些需要节省(您可以访问Gemological Institute of America),比如透明度、颜色、重量、切割。


    颜色。《承诺与婚戒:给深处爱情的人最后的购买指南》的作者Antoinette Matlins说,即使颜色最差的钻石在镶入戒指后也会发出惊人的光彩。通常情况下你从戒指上方看钻石时很少会注意到颜色(评估钻石的颜色级别是要看侧面的),而底座的颜色则进一步掩盖了钻石的本色。


    切割。钻石的切割仿石在很大程度上决定了钻石最后的表观,所以切割对四个C来说是最没有发挥空间的一个。加州拉霍亚David Levi珠宝的老板David Levi建议说,要尽最大努力获得最佳切割。它能够在很大程度上提升钻石的价值。

    二、Consider other shapes考虑一下其他形状


    但是并非所有的形状都比圆形便宜。如果不想超出预算,最好是绕开radiant and princess stones.她说:"虽然这些形状很流行,但是这种钻石通常是底部比较重,看上去会显得比较小。"

    三、Go generic购买非名牌商品


    四、Cut loose 不精确切割

    从批发商那里买一颗切割不那么精密的钻石可以节省数百美元。节省下来的这些钱可能要比你给钻石安个底座的价钱还多。比如,根据独立珠宝培训和定价网站珠宝评论上说的,一颗半克拉的钻石(G, VS2, 精密切割)平均售价是2238美元,而从批发商那里购买只需要1272美元,纽约市着名的珠宝区有很多这样的钻石,价钱从1140到1458美元不等。

    五、Skimp on the setting节省在底座上的开支

    没有人会盯着你未婚夫的戒指看,莫埃说。她说:"人们关注的目标是钻石而不是底座。"在Diamonds.com上,铂金镶嵌一颗半克拉钻石的价格是2205美元,而普通白金底座的只需要875美元。如果你想要个设计精巧的底座,那就考虑将较贵的铂金换成白金或者钯金,钯金也是白色金属,它们在观感上和铂金差不多,但价钱却能低上一半。 上的同样的铂金戒指和18K白金戒指的售价分别是1107美元和490美元(In 18K white gold, those same bands would be $1,107 and $490, respectively).

    六、Hone your haggling skills磨练你的讨价还价能力

    订婚戒指的利润很多都高达成本的300%,所以有很大的讨价还价的余地,Matlins说。 "商场里连锁店利润最高,这是因为它们之间的竞争很强烈,这很具讽刺意味。"她说,"如果他们偶尔打五折出售,那么他们平时的零售价就更不可信了。"独立珠宝商的利润往往低一些,但也有提供折扣的足够的余地。在这样一个竞争激烈的市场中,很多珠宝商都会卖给你成套的戒指,而不是帮你镶嵌从别处买来的钻石,或者让你承诺买结婚戒指的时候也来他们这里买。因为商户们需要支付的信用卡费很高,所以如果你用现金付钱的话,可能还会给你3%的折扣。

    七、Mine online retailers挖掘网上零售商


    八、Buck tradition巴克传统


关键词: 戒指 婚戒 花销
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