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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-08-16
核心提示:croissant已经成为法国面点的代表之一,好事者把它的由来与宗教战争扯上了关系。但并不是所有美国人都用croissant来称呼牛角面包;那些对法国和法语一无所知,或者不屑一顾的人更愿意使用crescent rolls……

According to John Ayto’s A to Z of Food and Drink:

“These new-moon-shaped puff-pastry rolls seem first to have been introduced to British and American breakfast tables towards the end of the nineteenth century.”

He goes on to cast aspersions on the stories told about the invention of these yummy baked goods. Wikipedia disses the stories too.

I’ll tell that tale in a moment, but I want first to point out that Ayto accurately called croissants new-moon-shaped.

John Ayto has written several books about words and their origins and so I’m sure that he chose his words there very carefully.

Of course we call that shape of moon a crescent moon and of course the words crescent and croissant are really two flavors of the same word; crescent arriving in English from French in the 1300s and croissant along with the pastry in at the end of the 1800s, also from French.
当然,呈现出这个形状的月亮常常被我们称为一轮crescent moon。而单词crescent与croissant的确是同一个单词的两种表现形式;crescent于十四世纪从法语进入英语,croissant及其所指称的油酥面点一道在十九世纪末,同样从法语进入英语。

But when I refer to a crescent moon I’m usually just intending to communicate its fingernail-clipping shape. It could just as easily be a waning moon as a waxing moon.
不过,当我提到一轮crescent moon的时候,我通常只是想描述它的形状,像一片被剪下的、弯弯的手指甲。此时,它既可以指一轮残月,也可以指一轮眉月。

But new-moon-shaped refers only to waxing, or growing moons, and this is as is should be because the very word crescent has an etymology related to the growing moon.

A new moon begins with a very thin sliver of a crescent that grows and grows until it’s a full moon. It’s that growing we’re looking for.

I mentioned in the podictionary episode on recruit that an Indo-European root ker meant to grow. This same root turns up as crescere in Latin and was then applied to the growing moon. The shape thus took its name from this horned appearance of the moon.
在《每日一词》一期关于recruit的文章里,我曾经提到过一个意为成长(to grow)的印欧语系词根ker。这个词根在拉丁语中以crescere的面目出现,它在后来被用来指称正在成长的月亮。因此,这一形状就有了一个名称,即像犄角一样的月亮外形。

This same shape is an Islamic symbol and the much discredited story of the invention of the edible croissant is tied to this Islamic crescent.

Supposedly the bakers in either Vienna or Budapest were up early one morning going at it with their bread dough and stoking up their ovens when they heard a digging noise.

They alerted the army who then prevented the Turks from entering the city by tunneling under the city walls. As a reward the bakers were allowed to, or asked to create celebratory goodies in the shape of the Islamic crescent.

Trouble is that these Turkish attacks happened back around the end of the 1600s and the first reference we have to the pastries doesn’t come until something like 170 years later. The first time the word was used in English was in 1899 according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

The user was a small time author from Alabama named William Chambers Morrow. He used it pretty enthusiastically too since it appears three times in his book about how students lived in Paris 100 and some-odd years ago.

But this use of croissant for the delicacy didn’t mean that was the first time English speakers were experiencing them. Crescent rolls are cited as an Americanism 13 years before.
然而,每当说英语的人用croissant来称呼这道精美面点的时候,这可并不意味着他们此时才初次品尝到牛角面包。在13年前,(同样被用于指称牛角面包的)Crescent rolls就已经被当作美语词汇所引用了。

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