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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-02-23  来源:Natural News  作者:xslynn编校
核心提示:研究人员表示,民众应该要改正吃蛋会造成胆固醇过高的误解,人体的胆固醇其实只有 1/3 来自食物,剩下的 2/3 则是由饱和脂肪所转换而来。因此,每天摄取的饱和脂肪实际上才是影响胆固醇含量的关键。

For years we've been listening to top health experts advising us to eliminate eggs from our diet. At the very most, they say, eat only three eggs a week. Any more would simply wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels. However, eggs did not contribute significantly to the body's cholesterol levels, according to many studies conducted by researchers

The researchers note that, the ingrained misconception linking egg consumption to high blood cholesterol and heart disease must be corrected, only one-third of the body's cholesterol comes from dietary sources; the rest is produced by the body from saturated fats, as a consequence, saturated fat intake plays a far more significant role. Other factors, such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or smoking also have greater effects on cholesterol levels or the risk of cardiovascular disease than egg consumption does.

Eggs contain valuable fat which helps cleanse and lubricate our internal structures. Fat and cholesterol from damaged fats, like margarine, or cheap vegetable oils, are the types of fats that lead to adverse health consequences. It is important to differentiate good fats from unhealthy fats. Eggs are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals in forms that can be easily absorbed. These include vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K in addition to iron, zinc, lecithin and choline. All of these help contribute to brain function, a healthy metabolism and disease prevention. Eggs are also a great source of protein, especially for those who don't consume very much meat. It can be difficult to obtain all of the essential amino acids - the ones our bodies can't produce - if you eat a diet mostly based in grains. An egg contains each of the nine essential amino acids, making it a top source for these nutrients.

Here is a delicious raw egg nog recipe:

1. Materials
4 raw free-range organic eggs
2 cups raw pasture-fed milk
1 cup raw pasture-fed cream
1/8 - 1/3 cup natural sweetener (such as: unheated honey)
1 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg

2. Procedures
1) Separate eggs yolk and whites.
2) Blend egg yolks with sweetener and a touch of cream.
3) Separately blend egg whites until soft peaks are formed (whisk may be required). Egg whites are optional. You can also make creamy egg nog by blending the whites with a small amount of cream, this makes it less fluffy and adds a creamy texture to it.
4) Combine everything together.


研究人员表示,民众应该要改正吃蛋会造成胆固醇过高的误解,人体的胆固醇其实只有 1/3 来自食物,剩下的 2/3 则是由饱和脂肪所转换而来。因此,每天摄取的饱和脂肪实际上才是影响胆固醇含量的关键。甚至,吃蛋对于胆固醇含量及心血管疾病风险的影响,也比肥胖、久坐及吸烟等因素还来得小。

蛋含有可以帮助净化与润滑人体内部结构的珍贵脂肪。而来自损坏脂肪——如人造黄油与便宜蔬菜油的脂肪和胆固醇才不利人体健康。对好脂肪与不健康脂肪要有所区分;蛋也含有丰富而且易于人体吸收的维生素及矿物质,如维生素 A、B、C、D、E 及 K,以及铁、锌、卵磷脂及胆碱等,非常有助于增强大脑功能、促进新陈代谢及预防疾病。对于少吃肉的人来说,蛋是绝佳的蛋白质来源,它也含有谷物所缺乏的必需胺基酸,营养非常丰富。


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