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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-03-21  浏览次数:2174
核心提示:人们常用蔚蓝色来形容一望无际的大海,蓝色似乎是天空和海洋的专属颜色,这是为什么呢?世界上不是还有黑海、红海吗?这又是怎么回事呢?原来,这些颜色变化都跟物理学上的反射作用有关系。 Sunlight is made up of all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yello


    Sunlight is made up of all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Some of the sunlight is reflected off the surface of the water, reflecting the color of the sky. Some of the sunlight penetrates the water and is scattered by ripples and particles in the water (this tinges the appearance of the ocean with the color of the particles). In deep water, much of the sunlight is scattered by the oxygen in the water, and this scatters more of the blue light.

    Water absorbs more of the red light in sunlight; the water also enhances the scattering of blue light. Sir Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman (an Indian physicist) won the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his work on light.

    Some Oddly-Colored Seas:

    The Red Sea often looks red because of red algae that live in this sea.

    The Black Sea looks almost black because it has a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide (which appears black).

    ripple: 波纹

    particle: 粒子

    algae: 藻类,海藻

    hydrogen sulfide: 氢硫化物

关键词: 大海 蓝色
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