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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-06-16
核心提示:Six local officials in quake-hit Sichuan Province were recently dismissed(撤职) due to their poor performances in the relief effort. The instant dismissals have raised heated discussions among the public as to what government officials should do t

    Six local officials in quake-hit Sichuan Province were recently dismissed(撤职) due to their poor performances in the relief effort. The instant dismissals have raised heated discussions among the public as to what government officials should do to serve the people. 

    According to an online survey by the China Youth Daily, more than 80 percent of respondents(回答者) believe that a civil servant must maintain a tradition of hard work and simple living. About 40 percent think government officials should first care about the people, hear their voices, and listen to their worries. 

    The survey also showed that among the 8,000 netizens surveyed, over 60 percent were deeply moved by government officials who stayed on the front lines after the May 12 earthquake. More than half of these people think the officials have acted calmly and bravely. 

    In a follow-up interview, one college student told the paper that he thinks most of the government officials have passed the big exam of the disaster. Another journalist applauded the dismissal of the incompetent(adj.不合格的, 不胜任的) local officials. He said he hopes such accountability(n.有责任, 有义务, ) can spread to the daily work in all levels of government. 

    The paper also cited an expert who called for the establishment of a proper system to encourage officials to take the initiative, while at same time keep their personal desires under control. 

    The paper said government officials should always bear in mind that they are civil servants. They must use their power properly to serve the interests of the people.

关键词: 人民 公仆
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