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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-09-02
核心提示:Can you improve your memory or can you not remember what I just said? We all cannot have photographic memory, but it is true that everyone can take steps to increase their ability of memory, and with practice, most people will gain the skills to mem

Can you improve your memory or can you not remember what I just said?

We all cannot have photographic memory, but it is true that everyone can take steps to increase their ability of memory, and with practice, most people will gain the skills to memorize what others would believe to be the possible. Memory can be long-term or short-term. Long-term memory is the information you try and retain. Short term memory is the information we store for a few seconds, such as a telephone number. When improving your memory, you will make mistakes along the way, but with commitment and motivation, seemingly impossible amounts of information can be achieved.

Perhaps the most important thing to consider is that there are steps to the process as with any new task. It is important to realize the potential of your memory and own that concept. Erase all negative thoughts about past failure of you memory. Open your mind to have room for it to grow. Memory is much like exercising, the more you do over a period of time, builds a pattern that your body will repeat when called upon. The benefits of improved memory should motivate the cycle and improve you ability to succeed.

Some of the method to improve memory is just practical tips that will benefit your thought process and can even increase creativity. Learning complex new skills, like a new language, can stimulate your brain to spur the development of nerve connections that can improve memory.

Aerobic exercise increases blood flow and performance of the all cells of the body, including the brain. The loss of memory common with age can be reversed or reduced by regular exercise. Regular exercise also clears the mind and helps the ability of the mind to focus. Here is a list of some practical tips to improve your memory:

1. Be motivated and keep a positive mind. Don’t think negatively. Think positive thoughts.
2. Find out what is your learning style. Some learn visually and others learn from hearing information.
3. Involve as many senses as possible. The physical act of writing things you want to remember down and reading them aloud.
4. For more complex information, be able to verbally explain the information to someone else.
5. Relate new information to things you already are familiar with and picture them mentally.
6. Find a way to organize the information you want to remember. Use both words and pictures.
7. Use acronyms to associate strings of information.
8. Associate a visual image with the word or name. (Example: mouse to remember Melissa, tank to remember Tom).
9. Use humor to jog your memory. We remember funny things easily.
10. In learning a long speech, associate it in segments. Think of a route from one location to a destination and then pace the material with the route.

Memory and health are related. Anything you do to improve your mental and physical health will improve your ability to remember. Nutrition, managing stress, good sleep habits, avoiding smoking, are all steps to master your memory.






1.           目的明确,保持积极地心态。保持积极的思想,克服消极的意识。

2.           找出你学习的风格特点。一些人主要通过看学习知识,而另一些人主要是通过听获取信息。

3.           尽可能多的调动你的感觉。当你想记住一些东西时可以边写边读。

4.           对于一些更加复杂的信息来说,你可以向其他人口头解释这些信息。

5.           可以将新的信息与你熟识的食物相联系,并在心中描绘他们。

6.           找到一种方法来组织你要记忆的信息。可以同时用文字和图片。

7.           用首字母缩写词来联想要记忆的信息。

8.           可以用一个可以看得见的形象联想一个单词或名字。(如:用“Melissa”来记住“mouse”,用“Tom”来记住“tank”)。

9.           用幽默的方式来增强记忆。我们通常能比较轻易的记住好玩的事情。

10.       在记忆一篇长篇的演讲时,可以分成小的相互联系的片段。想象着这是一条从一个地点到目的地的线路,然后沿着这条线路来记住这些材料。


关键词: 掌控 记忆
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