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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-10-20
核心提示:Dressing for success doesnt have to mean becoming a fashion maven or spending a lot of money. Here are 10 simple ways to upgrade your look from passed-over to promotion-ready. Permanent Underling Boss Material 1. Dress shoes with broken shoelaces 2.

Dressing for success doesn’t have to mean becoming a fashion maven or spending a lot of money. Here are 10 simple ways to upgrade your look from passed-over to promotion-ready.

Permanent Underling Boss Material

1. Dress shoes with broken shoelaces

2. Pants cuffs that drag on the ground

3. Forgetting to shave

4. Bedhead

5. Frayed shirt collar and cuffs

6. Visible skin between shirt and pants

7. Flip-flops

8. Tube tops, spaghetti straps, halters

9. Loose, unstructured clothing

10. Fleece vest

 1.Casual shoes with a fresh shine

2.Pressed jeans or slacks with a sharp crease

3.Neatly trimmed facial hair

4.Regular haircuts (even for the long-haired)

5.Clean, wrinkle-free knit shirt

6.It's called a belt

7.Leather mules or sandals

8.Tops that will accommodate a bra

9.Clothes that fit your figure

10.Sport coat



1. 穿断裂鞋带的鞋子

2. 裤管拖地

3. 忘记剃须

4. 头发零乱不梳理

5. 衬衫领口与袖口磨损

6. 衬衣与裤子间露出一节皮肤

7. 穿拖鞋


9. 服装松垮不整齐

10。 穿羊毛背心


1. 清淡新鲜的休闲鞋

2. 熨烫整齐的牛仔裤或棱角分明的运动裤

3. 修剪整洁的胡须

4. 定期剪发(即使是长发也要定期修剪)

5. 干净无皱的针织衬衫

6. 皮带或腰带

7. 皮凉鞋

8. 上衣与文胸搭配恰当

9. 衣着合体



关键词: 提升 形象
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