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核心提示:when we think about success..the material wealth; something that we have wanted a long time but then, this is only a part of success..In other words, we need first to know the greater meaning of success. Here are some simple techniques on how you ca

    when we think about success..the material wealth; something that we have wanted a long time but then, this is only a part of success..In other words, we need first to know the greater meaning of success. Here are some simple techniques on how you can achieve the real success in your life faster then ever..Always remember that the success in life is not simple.

    Generally when we think about our success, we will automatically think about the material wealth; something that we have wanted a long time but then, this is only a part of success. In other words, we need first to know the greater meaning of success. Here are some simple techniques on how you can achieve the real success in your life faster then ever.

    Don't Fear the Consequences

    Whether it's choosing between new cars versus a bigger house, or even who to marry, almost every decision we make entails predicting the future. We imagine how our choices will make us feel, and we usually go for the option we think will make us the happiest.

    The problem with this sort of “affective forecasting” is that we aren't very good at it. The major factor leading us to make bad prediction is “loss aversion” - the belief that a loss will hurt more than a corresponding gain will please. Always remember that whatever the future holds, it will probably hurt or please you less than you imagine.

    Go With Your Gut

    While it's tempting to think that good decisions require time, sometimes an instinctive choice is just as good, if not better. Researchers found that we make judgments about a person's competence, trustworthiness, aggressiveness, like ability and attractiveness within the first hundred million seconds of seeing a new face.

    The market found that observers hardly revised their views; they only became more confident in their snap decisions. It stands to reason that extra information can help you make rational decisions. Yet paradoxically, sometimes the more information you have, the better off you may be going with your instincts.

    Consider Your Emotions

    You might think that emotions are the enemy of decision making, but in fact they are integral to it. Whenever you make up your mind, your limbic system - the brain's emotional centre - is active. The researchers has studied people with damage to only the emotional parts of their brains, and found that they were unable to make basic choices about what to wear or eat.

    However, making choices under the influence of an emotion can seriously affect the outcome. All emotions affect our thinking and motivation, so it may be best to avoid making important decisions under their influence. In fact many studies show that depressed people have the most realistic take on the world.

    Have Someone Else Choose

    We tend to believe we will be happier making our decisions. Yet, no matter the outcome, the process of making a decision can sometimes leave us feeling dissatisfied. Then, it may be better to relinquish control.

    Most of the cases, the choosers could not give themselves credit even if they ended up with a good option, yet still felt burdened by the thought that they might not have chosen the best alternative. Even when choosers had a little information - though not enough to feel responsible for the outcome - they felt no happier choosing than being chosen for.

    Limit Your Options

    More choice makes more demands on your information - processing skills, and the process can be confusing and time - consuming. Greater choice also increases the chances of making a mistake, so you feel less satisfied because of a fear that you have missed a better opportunity.

    Instead of searching for your ideal camera, ask a friend if he is happy with his. If he is, it probably does for you too. Even in situations when a choice seems far too important to simply satisfied, try to limit the number of options you consider.

    Success in Life Not Simple

    Always remember that the success in life is not simple as science and mathematics that has a formula. Sometimes, you cannot even compute its chances and possibilities. The stage of success may vary depending on the individual status. By following to the above secret of success factors, it's may help you to achieve the great success in your life.

    提到成功,我们想起物资财富,想起渴望已久的事物,但这些只是成功的部分含义……换句话说,我们首先得明白成功的含义远不仅于此。如何更快地获取生命中真正的成功,本文提出了一些简单的技巧。……要时刻牢记成功并不是一件简单的事。 通常提到成功,我们脑海里自动浮现出物资财富,渴望已久的事物,但这些,只是成功的部分含义。换句话说,我们首先得明白成功的含义远不仅于此。如何更快的获取生命中真正的成功,这里有一些简单的技巧。 

    不要恐惧结果 不论是选择新车或豪宅,还是选择和谁结婚,在做决定时,我们几乎都要预测未来的情形。我们想象着我们的决定会给自己带来怎样的感受,然后往往选择了那些会让我们感觉更幸福的做法。 


    跟着直觉走 人们常认为花费时间推敲才能做出好的决定,然而在没有其他选择的情况下,凭直觉而行也是不错的做法。研究者发现,在见到一张陌生脸孔后的100秒内,我们即对这人的能力,可信度,侵略性,以及能干与否和是否有魅力做出了判断。 


    考虑自己的情感 你也许会认为,感情用事是决策的大敌。但实际上,感性认识与决策过程是浑然一体的。做任何决定,人的脑边缘系统——大脑的情感中心——都在运作着。研究者发现,大脑的支配情感的部分受损,则此人连基本的衣食都无法自理。 

    然而,在情绪的支配下做出的决定能严重的影响事情的结果。所有的情感都影响着我们的想法和行为,所以,避免在情绪冲动时做出决定是上策。事实上,许多研究表明,抑郁的人对世界的观感是最为现实。 请他人帮忙决定 我们乐于相信,做出自己的决定后会更快乐。然而,不管结果如何,做决定的过程有时就让我们备受困扰。这种情况下,放弃决定权也许更好。 绝大多数情形是,做出选择的人的并不信任自己的选择,即使最终自己的决定是可行的,他们仍然会感到困扰:自己也许没有做出最好的选择。有时做出选择的人即使知道他们尚且不必对结果负全责,也宁愿自己是被选择的一方,而非做出选择的一方。 

    限制自己的可选项 更多的可选项,意味着对信息的要求更高——需要更高信息处理的技巧,且处理过程变得混乱及耗时。更多的可选项也增加了犯错的可能性,使你会因害怕错过一个更好的机会而倍感困扰。 

    让一个愿意陪伴你的朋友,陪着你去寻找理想的相机,而不是一个人孤身前往。对你和对他都有好处。就算在一个重要的难以做出满意决策的场合,也请设法限定你可以选择的做法。 成功并不简单 谨记,获取成功不像科学或者数学那么简单,有既定的公式。有时,你甚至不能计算它的几率及可能性。而且成功的阶段也因人而异。遵循上述影响成功因素的秘诀,有助于成就生命中的伟业。

关键词: 成功 秘诀
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