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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-09-25  浏览次数:348
核心提示:Wonder why some wealthy people seem so aloof? How about this for an answer? 想知道为什么有钱人都看起来冷冰冰的吗?看看下面的解释吧。 A series of studies published in Psychological Science found that money can influence responses to both emotional an

    Wonder why some wealthy people seem so aloof? How about this for an answer?


    A series of studies published in Psychological Science found that money can influence responses to both emotional and physical pain. The researchers found that handling physical money makes a person less sensitive to physical pain and reduces the distress of being excluded in social situations.


    In other words, wealth makes you as hard and cold as steel. Or so the study says.


    The methodologies for this study were odd to say the least.


    For one of the tests, test subjects were told to count out a stack of $100 dollar bills and then immerse their hands in hot water. Those who handled the money reported less pain than those who handled slips of blank paper.


    In another, a group of students counted the stack of $100 bills and then played a computer game involving a ball toss with three other simulated players. Some of the players were excluded from the ball toss during the game. Those who handled the money felt little or no distress at being excluded, while those who handled paper felt lower self-esteem.


    "Acquired symbolic value of money, perhaps because of associations with power or control, can influence responses to both emotional and physical pain," writes Harriet de Wit, a psychiatry professor at the University of Chicago. "Conversely, thoughts of monetary loss may enhance physical or psychological pain."


    Do you think the studies findings are accurate? Does money dull physical or emotional pain?


关键词: 有钱人 心肠
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