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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-11-12  浏览次数:691
核心提示:Maybe it's happened to you. You go for a walk in the woods and, after wandering around for a few hours trying to find your way back to the car, you realize that you've basically been walking in circles. Well, you're not alone. Because scientists hav

    Maybe it's happened to you. You go for a walk in the woods and, after wandering around for a few hours trying to find your way back to the car, you realize that you've basically been walking in circles. Well, you're not alone. Because scientists have found that, in the absence of visible landmarks or cues from the sun, people who are lost can't walk a straight line.

    The "disoriented traveler walking in circles" is faithfully trotted out in many fictional works. So scientists decided to put the tale to the test. They plopped six people into a German forest and told them to try to walk straight. And they monitored their subjects' progress by GPS.

    When the day was cloudy, the wanderers indeed walked in circles, but not by turning consistently in one direction. Instead they veered randomly left and right, repeatedly crossing their own paths. But when the subjects could see the sun, they maintained an almost straight course. And the same was true when volunteers were dropped into the Sahara Desert during the day and at night, results published in the journal Current Biology.

    So if you want to walk the straight and narrow, especially after dark, don't count on your conscience to guide you. Get a compass.




    在阴天的时候,这些"漫游者"确实绕圈走,但是他们并非一直绕着一个方向走,他们而是随机地左右偏离,重复地穿过他们走过的路。但是当受试者可以看到太阳 的时候,他们几乎能保持走直线。当志愿者们被置于撒哈拉沙漠中的时候,发生了同样的结果,这项研究结果发表在《当代生物学》(Current Biology)杂志上。


关键词: 迷失 转圈
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