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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-12-26  浏览次数:1408
核心提示:There was big news recently for anyone born after the year 2000: They'll probably live to 100, according to new research from Denmark. That's roughly 20 years longer than the life expectancy of the rest of us. But we could live that long, too, says

    There was big news recently for anyone born after the year 2000: They'll probably live to 100, according to new research from Denmark. That's roughly 20 years longer than the life expectancy of the rest of us. But we could live that long, too, says Walter Bortz II, MD, a clinical associate professor of medicine at Stanford University: "What's holding us back are bad habits."

    Luck and genetics play roles in longevity, of course, but you can't control that. To hike your odds of hitting 100, focus on what you can do, like loading up on fruits and veggies (add five years), working out five days a week (add two to four years), and cutting down on stress (may add up to six years).

    对在21世纪出生的每个人来说,最近爆出一个特大喜讯。依据丹麦的一项最新研究成果,我们的余生大概可以比预期寿命多活20年。斯坦福大学临床医学博士Walter Bortz 亦声称,我们这些人也可以一样长寿,阻止我们长寿的因素是那些自己的不良习惯。


关键词: 长命百岁
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