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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2010-01-15  浏览次数:579
核心提示:A PARTIAL solar eclipse will be seen in Shanghai on the afternoon of January 15, when the first annular eclipse in China in 22 years and the longest in the world for the next 1,000 years will be visible in some provinces. 一月十五日下午,上海将出现

    A PARTIAL solar eclipse will be seen in Shanghai on the afternoon of January 15, when the first annular eclipse in China in 22 years and the longest in the world for the next 1,000 years will be visible in some provinces.


    Though people in Shanghai will see no more than a partial eclipse, experts said it will be a great experience, because the sun will be setting while the eclipse is still in progress.


    Residents should be able to see the partial eclipse with observation spectacles when it starts at 3:39pm. At 4:57pm, 80 percent of the sun will be covered by the moon.


    The sun will set with the eclipse at about 5:15pm.


    Experts said lighting won't be affected in the afternoon and people should even be able to see the eclipse while the sunlight dims. But they said no one should stare at the sun with naked eyes too long.


    This eclipse will enter the nation from Yunnan Province and pass Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Henan and Shandong.


    In Yunnan, the whole procedure will run from 3:07pm to 6:06pm and Shanghai Astronomical Observatory will broadcast it on its Website.


    A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, blocking the sun over part of the earth. In an annular eclipse, the moon appears smaller than the sun. The sun then appears as a very bright ring around the moon.


关键词: 日环食
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