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新婚姻法---司法解释judicial explanation

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 A house bought by parents and registered under their child's name remains the personal property of the child even after the child gets married, according to a judicial explanation issued by China's Supreme People's Court。

上文中的judicial explanation就是“司法解释”,简单说来,就是由the Supreme Court(最高法院)对具体适用法律的问题做出的解释。

这次的Marriage Law(婚姻法)第19条的司法解释意思是说如果父母为儿子或女儿购买了real estate(房产),当儿女结婚后,这套房子不算作是小夫妻俩的mutual property(共同财产),而只能算作是购买那一方的personal property(个人财产)。而若这套房子是两方父母共同购买的,而最后双方end in divorce(最后离婚),那么,将根据两方父母的出资额来分割财产,由此避免房产购买方的loss of family property(家庭财产损失)。

“Whoever paid the down payment is whoever the house should belong to following a divorce”, “The other party has shall have no right to divide up a house purchased and given by one’s parents following marriage”… The publishing of the Supreme People’s Court’s judicial interpretation of the latest Marriage Law immediately ignited fierce arguments between men and women online. Many netizens believe the new Marriage law is “good news” for men, protecting their advantageous position in a marriage, and damaging the interests of the weaker party.

The new Marriage Law that “encourages completely ‘going Dutch‘” has also been made fun as “delighting real estate developers and pissing off mother-in-laws”. However, there are also netizens who believe that the new interpretation of the Marriage Law may change young people’s ideas on how to choose partners, going from preferring “wealthy second generation” [children of wealthy parents] to preferring mutually compatible “people with future potential”.

Oppose:“Favors” men, protects the more powerful party

“How can the new Marriage Law be this harsh towards women? The male chauvinism is too serious!” Netizen Chen Di expressed her view through her microblog, and the number of netizens who shared her opinion were not the minority, with many female netizens believing “this sweeps aside the last obstacle against men being unfaithful” and “will cause the divorce rate to go up”. Netizen “Ling Mei” says: “I’ve always believe that there are more unfaithful men than women who cheat men out of their assets, and women devote more than men in the family. (The new Marriage Law) might as well add another article: Whoever the house belongs to is whoever should clean it!” Netizen “寞 香” was even more realistic and blunt: “What woman who doesn’t already have a house will now dare to give birth to a child? After giving birth, if the man cheats on her, wouldn’t she end up sleeping in the streets with her child!” The new Marriage Law has not only enraged women, some male netizens have also expressed “a lot of pressure”. Netizen Yuan Datuo believes: The new Marriage Law may actually lead to — if the house isn’t put under the woman’s name, the woman will refuse to get married, and as a result the man must pay an even higher price for marriage. “If you look at it from the other side, if the parents-in-law buy a house, then the son-in-law also won’t have a stake/claim, right?”

反对:“偏向”男士 保护强者

“新婚姻法怎么对女的这么刻薄?大男子主义太严重了!”网友陈狄通过微博表达了自己的看法,与之持相同意见的网友不占少数,不少女网友认为“这为男人出轨扫清了最后的障碍”、“会造成离婚率上升”。网友“玲妹”说:我始终相信出轨的男人比骗财产的女人多,家庭里面女人奉献的比男人多。(新婚姻法)最好加一条:房子是谁的,那谁来照顾打扫!网友“寞 香”表述的更加现实与直接:“哪个没房子的女人还敢生孩子啊?刚生了,男人出轨了,那不得抱着孩子睡大街啊!”新婚姻法不仅惹恼了女人,一些男网友也表示“压力很大”。网友袁大拖认为:新婚姻法说不定会导致——如果不把房子过户到女性名下,女性就不结婚,因而男性为了结婚要付出更高的代价。“从另一面看,岳父母买房女婿也没份吧。”

Approve:Fights marriages by fraud [deceiving someone into marriage], encourages independence

In comparison to the swelling voices of condemnation, some supporting viewpoints believe the new Marriage Law strongly combats the phenomenon of “deceiving someone into marriage” [for their assets], and at the same time also gives the young men of ordinary families a chance to compete with the “wealthy second generation” [children of rich parents]. Netizen LuvJen expressed: “Isn’t the new Marriage Law a good thing? The man paying money to buy the house while the woman gets to marry and then sit idly enjoying the fruits of his labors was always unfair. Is marriage just for obtaining a house?” Netizen “小之与麦田” was very satisfied: For those of us poor and blank youth, this is a good policy. “索男型birt号” says: “If the New Marriage Law can curb the twisted ‘finding a sugar daddy/gold-digging’ view of love, I think it’s good!” There were also female netizens who expressed that the new Marriage Law lets women see clearly that “men are unreliable, one can only rely on oneself”, and “Women of the new age definitely should be able to buy houses by themselves, buy cars by themselves, and become more and more independent and strong.

赞成:打击骗婚 鼓励独立

较之此起彼伏的声讨声音,一些支持的观点认为新婚姻法强烈打击了“骗婚”的现象,同时也给普通家庭的男青年与富二代竞争的机会。网友LuvJen表示:“新婚姻法不是挺好的吗,男的付钱买房子,女的结婚就坐享其成本来就不公平。难道结婚就为了得到房子吗?” 网友“小之与麦田”很欣慰:对我们这些一穷二白的好青年来说,这是个好政策。“索男型birt号”说:如果新婚姻法能抑制“傍大款”这种扭曲的爱情观,我觉得不错!也有女网友表示新婚姻法让女性看清“男的不可靠,只有自己才是可靠的”,“新时代的女性就应该是自个儿买得起房,开得起车,越来越独立自强。”

Jokes:Delights real estate developers, pisses off mother-in-laws

Some more neutral netizens seemed to be rather pessimistic/cynical, believing that men and women don’t mind believing the worst of each other in fights these days.

“When people are so calculating both before and after marriage, is there still any point to marriage at all?” This reporter discovered that most of the dispute over the new Marriage Law still revolved around “the house” and, because of this, many people believe this is good news for real estate developers, as there will be even more single people willing to buy houses. One female netizen sighed that she’s pregnant and now no matter whether she gives birth to a boy or a girl, they [as parents] will still have to prepare to buy another house [for their child].”

戏谑:乐了地产商 愁了丈母娘





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