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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2007-06-26  浏览次数:668
核心提示:纽约夫妇被控虐待印尼妇女被逮捕 (New York Couple Charged with Abusing Indonesian Workers) 美国东北部纽约州一对富有夫妇被控在家中奴役两名印度尼西亚妇女达5年多之久,纽约州一名联邦法官为这对夫妇设定超过300万美元的保释金。检方说,瓦萨.萨贝那尼和她的丈夫

纽约夫妇被控虐待印尼妇女被逮捕 (New York Couple Charged with Abusing Indonesian Workers)



A federal judge in in the northeastern U.S. state of New York has set more than three million dollars in bail for a wealthy couple accused of enslaving two Indonesian women in their home for more than five years. Prosecutors say Varsha Mehander Sabhnani and her husband, Mahender, seized the women's visas after they arrived in the United States in 2002 to work in the home as domestics. They say the couple forced the women to work long hours with little sleep or food, barred them from leaving the house and physically abused them. Abuse allegedly included beatings, slashing with a knife, and scalding with hot water.

The Sabhnanis were arrested earlier this week after one of the women was spotted wandering on a street near the house, dressed only in pants and a towel.

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