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NCBI中的GENSAT database

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2006-07-01

GENSAT database:
GENSAT数据库目的是把小鼠各个发育阶段中枢神经系统的基因定位表达并给出图像结果;也就是可以看到不同发育阶段的表达的图像。 目前收集了三个发育期(embryonic day 15.5 (E15.5), postnatal day 7 (P7) and adult)。GENSAT本身是Gene Expression Nervous System ATlas的缩写。实验技术上主要是运用原位杂交和转基因的技术;使用者可以通过查询基因(name/ass.id等)来使用。这个数据库是三家单位Rockefeller University,St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, NINDS主要完成的。我们可以通过[目前收集的基因]和所有数据免费下载来了解该数据库的实际情况。下面来简单介绍一下该数据库的查询方法:

The GENSAT database contains a series of images related to gene expression experiments. The images are indexed on a number of fields relevant to biological discovery. Some examples of how to search are:

1、General Entrez search help:
a、Search items are case-insensitive. 大小写敏感
Join phrases with AND, OR, and NOT. 可以用AND/OR/NOT来组合查询语句,但要注意这三个词一定要大写。
These join words are case sensitive and should be capitalized.
b、Search by gene symbol: 运用基因符号查询
drd* This will search for all images annotated on a gene whose symbol is like 'drd'.
c、Search by gene name: 通过基因名称查询
dopamine This will search for all images annotated on a gene whose name contains the word 'dopamine'. 如:用"多巴胺"作为查询词,将查询到基因定位图像的注释中包含"多巴胺“的图像。
d、Search by mouse age: 通过小鼠的年龄查询
In order to search by the age of the animal, the age should be followed by the word age in square brackets: dopamine AND adult[age] This will search for all images annotated on a gene whose name contains the word 'dopamine' and which were completed in an adult mouse. Currently, the database contains images obtained at the ages E10.5 (embryonic day 10.5), E15.5 (embryonic dat 15.5), P7 (post-natal day 7) and adult.
e、Search by section: 运用切片图查询
GENSAT images are obtained using several different procedures. In some of these procedures, the images obtained are stereotactically determined and correspond to known positions in standard neuroanatomical atlases. The sections for these follow a standard numbering from section 01 to section 11, as outlined in the GENSAT methods.
To search by section, you should append the section followed by the word 'section' in brackets: kinase AND 06[level] This searches for all images annotated on genes whose names contain the word kinase and for which an image at section '06' is available.

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