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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-04-10  浏览次数:467
核心提示:西班牙斗牛大家有没有看过?斗牛士用他的红斗篷激怒公牛,在搏斗中展示自己高超的技艺。可是,公牛真的是因为看到红色才发怒的吗?事实上完全不是那么回事。 Bulls do NOT charge because a Matador's cape is red. They charge because of the movement of the cape.


    Bulls do NOT charge because a Matador's cape is red. They charge because of the movement of the cape.

    In Spain, a Matador will don his "Montera" (small black hat), bow to the Presidents Box, and then dedicate the bull to a spectator in the stands.

    The Matador will start the fight with a series of passes, first from side to side to bring the bull close to his body, then high with the cape traveling directly over the bull's horns. After the bull is trained to charge the cape and it has reduced its area of protection to just a few feet, a Matador will show you his individual personality by the combination and variations on these passes. Some of the better Matadors in Spain will fight the bull from their knees or even kneel with their backs exposed to the bull. 

关键词: 公牛 红色 发怒
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