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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-04-10  浏览次数:472
核心提示:Researchers from the universities of Michigan and California have discovered that just a few minutes' conversation with another person sharpens your mental faculties to a hitherto unsuspected degree. The researchers believe this is the first time su

    Researchers from the universities of Michigan and California have discovered that just a few minutes' conversation with another person sharpens your mental faculties to a hitherto unsuspected degree. The researchers believe this is the first time such a relationship has been demonstrated. 

    The subject doesn't even have to be what could be described as mind- improving: rambling on about yesterday's episode of a soap opera seems to be as effective as a weighty conversation about social issues.

    They conclude that socialising with a friend or neighbour is as effective in keeping the brain up to scratch as, for example, doing a crossword. Their findings have far-reaching implications for those who find themselves socially isolated – something that, in the present state of our society, is a fast developing trend. 




关键词: 八卦 健脑 益智
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