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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-04-10  浏览次数:1192
核心提示:我们常说肚子饿得咕咕叫,而且叫起来还很响呢!那肚子为什么会叫呢?我们又怎么会知道自己饿了呢?虽然看上去不过是最自然的生理反应,其中却大有文章。就让下面这篇小短文来告诉你吧! Well, Mexican food could do it, but doctors call it borborygmi, which sounds


    Well, Mexican food could do it, but doctors call it "borborygmi," which sounds a bit like the sound you hear.

    It happens when your stomach walls squeeze together in an attempt to mix and digest food and there's no food there. Gases and digestive juices slosh around in your empty stomach and before you know it - borborygmi.

    Yet hunger really has nothing to do with an empty stomach but, instead, is a product of certain nutrients missing in the blood. Our brains contain a "hunger center," which functions as an accelerator, or as a brake, for our stomachs and intestines. Once necessary nutrients are lacking from the blood, the dinner bell is rung, and the stomach and intestines come rumbling.

    The now active stomach and intestine aren't picky as to what foods will satisfy them, and will grab anything they can. It is the role of the appetite to rein them in, and to ensure that the growling duo is satisfied, but with a healthy balance of the proper nutrients.

    If ever in a situation where borborygmi kicks in, and there is no food in sight, remember to remain calm. The calmer you are, the more slowly your body will metabolize the protein it has stored, and the longer you will live!

    growl: 叫,咆哮

    slosh: 晃动

    intestines: 肠

    rumble: 发出咕咕声

    metabolize: 使转换

关键词: 饿 肚子
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