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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-05-14
核心提示:今天西北风,明天又是东南风,还有狂风,微风。风当然是天气中很重要的一个组成部分,风的产生是跟空气的流动有直接关系的。 Air is set in motion by the Pressure Gradient Force (PGF)(气压梯度力). This, as you well know, is a flow from high pressure to low


    Air is set in motion by the Pressure Gradient Force (PGF)(气压梯度力). This, as you well know, is a flow from high pressure to low pressure. In nature, regions of excess move toward regions of deficit. This comes from the second law of thermodynamics(热力学) that states higher energy states move toward lower energy states. Nature is always trying to balance. The result of trying to balance and equalize pressure results in wind. The pressure gradient force acts on a horizontal plane.

    What causes the pressure changes in the atmosphere? The primary reason is through the warming and cooling of air. The pressure exerted by a gas changes as it becomes denser or less. Since a cold air mass is denser and has a lower thickness than warm air, pressure decreases more rapidly with height in cold air than in warm air. When cold dense air is placed next to warm less dense air, wind results by nature trying to balance the pressure differences at each level in the atmosphere between the two air masses. This can occur on all scales of motion. Examples: On the planetary scale, temperature gradients create the polar jet stream(急流); on the synoptic scale it creates jet streaks; on the mesoscale(中尺度) it creates sea breeze circulations and the low level jet; on the microscale it creates lake breezes.   

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