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女人的心理战 都是男人一手造成的

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-08-04
核心提示:Well, for one thing, theyre women. And women think and react with their emotions at least more than men do, in general. But its really about testing us. And tests are ultimately all about control of the relationship. The typical guy is usually cluel

Well, for one thing, they’re women. And women think and react with their emotions — at least more than men do, in general. But it’s really about testing us. And tests are ultimately all about control of the relationship. The typical guy is usually clueless about the mind games women play. But play them they will, so you’d better be aware of what’s going on.

Women are divided into two groups by men. The good girls and the bad girls. The problem is that no matter which classification women fall into they are berated for it. There is a certain level of embarrassment attached to sex brought on by environmental conditioning and religious belief. Women are conditioned since birth that if we have or enjoy sex they will contract diseases be ridiculed and/or go directly to hell. Finding a happy medium is tedious and difficult.

It is quite common to see the majority of society pretending they don’t like or want anything to do with sex. While the whole time STD and teenage pregnancy statistics rise daily. People are having sexual relations from early ages on up to those who invest in medical aids to keep it going well into their golden years. Right now as you read this someone, somewhere is having sex. We all know we desire it, in fact it is instinctual but we do everything within our power to hide that fact.

If a woman is forward and aggressive about sexual desire she is pooled into the bad girl category automatically. Groups of men speak amongst themselves and label her a pig. She is then treated differently by the group at large, generally with little to no respect. The way she is approached (if she is approached at all) is often disrespectful and seldom is she considered a prospect for a long term relationship.

Women are constantly judged by how many partners they have had and usually any number higher than one makes her ethics and morals questionable. If a woman has put her faith in a man and decided to explore her sexuality or even given in to a man to “keep him satisfied” and allowed multiple positions she is at risk of that man telling all his friends about everything that transpires between them. Once that happens they are judged regardless of whether the woman loves the man or believes him to be her lifelong partner.

On the other hand we have the good girls. Those who refuse advances and remain chaste. The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type’s women know this is not the case. The good girls are considered prudes and berated for not ‘putting out’ and therefore are seldom the first to get dates.

Men threaten to leave them on a regular basis if they demand value in the relationship and commitment to allow sexual relations on the basis that they are not fulfilling the mans needs.

Men use women’s lack of willingness to submit to spontaneity and creative sexuality as an excuse to cheat on them. As much as promiscuous women are berated they are far more popular because they tend to fulfill men’s desires though they are rapidly discarded afterwards. Naturally it is perfectly ok for a man to be promiscuous in fact the more women he has landed the more he is revered by his friends, however even women will shun other women who have poor reputations so as not to suffer death by association.

So why do women play games? To preserve their reputations and hopefully avoid being labeled into either category. Therefore women have to find an alternate route to simply saying they have the same desires and urges. Women have to make men chase them only to push them away so they appear neither easy nor frigid. If a woman can not learn to yo-yo a man then she risks disgrace, stereotyping, and the possibility of solitude. Women fall prey to the double standard imposed by men, so they “play games” because men make them.

   首先,她们是女人。总的来说,作为女人,她们用感情来思考和行动——至少比男人多。但实际上这是为了考验我们,而考验的 最终目的是为了取得两性关系的控制权。一般男人对女人为何要进行心理战往往摸不着头脑。但是,她们会跟你进行这样的心理战,所以你最好知道她们为什么要这 么做。

男人把女人分成两类——好女人和坏女人。问题是不管一个女人被归为哪一类,她都会饱受指责。这种由 社会环境和宗教信仰造就的与性紧密相关的分类,女人在一定程度上对其感到深恶痛绝。从出生那天起,女人便被灌输这样的观念:如果我们拥有并享受性生活,就 会因此染上性病,而成为大家的笑柄及/或直接下地狱。想要为此找到一个折中的解决之道是乏味和困难的。

在我们的社会中,较为 常见的是,大多数人假装他们不喜欢性或对与性有关的事物不感兴趣。但与此同时,性病和未成年怀孕方面的数据却与日俱增。人们都在发生性关系,从年少力壮的 年轻人,到那些需要靠药物使性生活质量与其黄金时代持平的老年人。或许现在,在你阅读这篇文章之时,某些人正在某处上演他们的激情戏码。我们都清楚知道自 己的性需求。事实上,性是本能。但我们总是想方设法地掩盖这一事实。

如果一个女人在性需求方面表现得积极主动,她就会自动被 归为坏女人。男人们会在自己的圈子内对她评头品足,将她贴上“鸡”的标签(把她看得一文不值)。那个圈子的男人会对她区别对待,一般来说是毫不尊重的。她 采取的方式(如果完全是由她主动的话),通常也不被尊重。而且男人很少会把她当作建立长期关系的对象。

女人的一生都活在“她 曾有过几个男人”的评判中,通常如果这个数目大于1,她的道德和操守就会受到质疑。如果一个女人对某个男人有信心,决定和他一道探索美妙的性爱世界,或甚 至仅是屈服于那个男人的性要求以“取悦”于他,和他一起尝试多种性爱体位。那么她需要面对这样的风险:那个男人可能将他们的性事当作谈资跟所有朋友分享。 一旦发生这样的情况,男人们就会对她进行肆意评论,不管这个女人是否真心地爱着这个男人,或者已将这个男人当作终身伴侣来看待。

另一方面,有坏女人自然就会有好女人。好女人,就是那些拒绝婚前性行为,保持贞洁的女人。好女人是可以带回家见家长的,或是可以作为伴侣出席公开场合的。 这意味着好女人是两类女人中更好的那类。但女人知道完全不是这么一回事。好女人通常被认为过于一本正经,且因“放不开”而饱受批评,因此她们不会是男人约 会的首选对象。


男人抓住女人不愿自发提出富有创造性的性要求的弱点,并以此作为出轨的借口。越是被认为放荡的女人,便越是受男人欢迎。因为她们可以满足男人的需要,虽然 男人很快会将她们弃如覆履。相反,一个男人放荡则是件再自然不过的事。事实上,一个男人与越多的女人发生关系,他的朋友对他就越推崇。然而,女人对那些名 声不好的女人却唯恐避之不及,生怕会因为与其接触而染病致死。

现在你知道为何女人要跟男人进行心理战了吧。是为了维护自己的 声誉,更是为了不要被贴上任一类女人的标签。因此,女人必须找到一个合适的方式,仅仅告诉男人自己对性也有着同样的渴望和需要。女人必须以半推半就的方式 让男人来追求自己,这样既不会显得太热情,也不会显得过于冷淡。如果一个女人学不会引诱男人,按老一套她要么被人瞧不起,要么落单。当女人受够了男人强加 于她们的双重标准,她们就开始跟男人进行“心理战”。这都是男人自己一手造成的。


关键词: 女人 心理战
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