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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-01-20
核心提示:Given that we just said goodbye to another year, we are all pretty familiar with the hindsight. But have you heard of blindsight? The phenomenon is the ability to see without having the visual brain hardware to actually see. Its been proven that mon

    Given that we just said goodbye to another year, we are all pretty familiar with the hindsight. But have you heard of blindsight?

    The phenomenon is the ability to see without having the visual brain hardware to actually see. It’s been proven that monkeys have blindsight for navigating through a space, but never in a human, until now.

    A recent paper in Current Biology describes a patient who lost his ability to see after suffering strokes that wiped out his visual cortex, the brain area that processes visual input. His eyes and optic nerves remained intact, and the researchers confirmed that some information was being gathered via his still-functioning eyes.

    So they gave him what many would think was the impossible test for a blind person. He had to navigate a hallway, around chairs and boxes, without his cane.

    He passed the test perfectly. What this implies is that visual information can reach areas of the brain, by routes other than the visual cortex. Meaning, we don’t have to be conscious of the experience of seeing to capture, and respond to, visual stimuli.
“All the time, we are using hidden resources of our brain and doing things we think we are unable to do,” said Beatrice de Gelder, one of the authors.

    Gives new meaning to the old saying: "I see, said the blind man."

    最近《当代生物》(Current Biology)的一篇文章报道了一个中风后失明的病人,中风使他失去了视皮层(大脑中处理视觉输入的区域)。他的眼睛和视神经仍然完整无损,研究者们证实该病人通过他仍然完好的眼睛收集一些信息。

    Beatrice de Gelder是该项研究中的作者之一,他说:“我们随时都在利用我们大脑隐藏的资源,做一些我们认为我们不可能完成的事情。”


    Hindsight: 后知之明;事后聪明 
    Blindsight: 盲视 
    Navigate: 航行;使通过 
    Visual Cortex: 视皮层 
    Intact: 原封不动的;完整无损的 
    Cane: 拐杖 
    Stimuli: 刺激

关键词: 盲人 看得见
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