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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2007-10-16  浏览次数:572
核心提示:Cancer cases will rocket without lifestyle changes Cancer rates worldwide could increase by 50 per cent by 2020, reaching 15 million new cases a year. The World Health Organisation's World Cancer Report says that if no preventive measures are taken

 Cancer cases will rocket without lifestyle changes

  Cancer rates worldwide could increase by 50 per cent by 2020, reaching 15 million new cases a year.
The World Health Organisation's World Cancer Report says that if no preventive measures are taken increases of this order are inevitable because they stem from habits - such as smoking - that are already established. However, much can be done to slow the increase, Bernard Stewart, an Australian cancer specialist and co-author, said.

  "Tobacco is the major preventable cause of cancer," he said. "But in developed countries diet, alcohol, a lack of exercise and the fact that we still don't eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day are contributory factors.

  Professor Stewart cited the cases of Finland and California. In Finland a programme of tobacco control, public education and dietary advice had seen lung cancer rates tumbling.

  In California, the most anti-smoking state in America, lung cancer rates in women were falling. Everywhere else in the US they were rising.






关键词: 专家 生活 癌症
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