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健康:戒烟10贴士 戒出无烟健康生活

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-10-21  浏览次数:582
核心提示:1. Make an honest list of all the things you like about smoking. Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper and write them on one side; on the other side make a list of all the things you dislike, such as how it can interfere with your health,

1. Make an honest list of all the things you like about smoking. Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper and write them on one side; on the other side make a list of all the things you dislike, such as how it can interfere with your health, work, family, etc., suggests Daniel Z. Lieberman, M.D., director of the Clinical Psychiatric Research Center at George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Think about the list over time, and make changes. If you are brave enough, get feedback from family and friends about things they don't like about your use of cigarettes. When the negative side outweighs the positive side, you are ready to quit.

2. Then make another list of why quitting won't be easy. Be thorough, even if the list gets long and discouraging. Here's the important part: Next to each entry, list one or more options for overcoming that challenge. For instance, one item might be: "Nicotine is an addictive drug." Your option might be: "Try a nicotine replacement alternative." Another reason might be: "Smoking helps me deal with stress." Your option might be: "Take five-minute walks instead." The more you anticipate the challenges to quitting, and their solutions, the better your chance of success.

3. Set a quit date and write a "quit date contract" that includes your signature and that of a supportive witness.

4. Write all your reasons for quitting on an index card and keep it near you at all times. Here are some to get you started: "My daughter, my granddaughter, my husband, my wife..." You get the idea.

5. As you're getting ready to quit, stop buying cartons of cigarettes. Instead, only buy a pack at a time, and only carry two or three with you at a time (try putting them in an Altoids tin). Eventually you'll find that when you want a smoke, you won't have any immediately available. That will slowly wean you down to fewer cigarettes.

6. Keep a list of when you smoke, what you're doing at the time, and how bad the craving is for a week before quitting to see if specific times of the day or activities increase your cravings, suggests Gaylene Mooney, chair of the American Association for Respiratory Care's Subcommittee on Smoking and Tobacco-Related Issues. Then arrange fun, unique things to do during those times, like some of the ones we recommend here.

7. Prepare a list of things to do when a craving hits. Suggestions include: take a walk, drink a glass of water, kiss your partner or child, throw the ball for the dog, wash the car, clean out a cupboard or closet, have sex, chew a piece of gum, wash your face, brush your teeth, take a nap, get a cup of coffee or tea, practice your deep breathing, light a candle. Make copies of the list and keep one with you at all times so when the craving hits, you can whip out the list and quickly do something from it.
Reduce and Replace

8. When your quit date arrives, throw out anything that reminds you of smoking. That includes all smoking paraphernalia -- leftover cigarettes, matches, lighters, ashtrays, cigarette holders, even the lighter in your car.

9. Instead of a cigarette break at work, play a game of solitaire on your computer. It takes about the same time and is much more fun (although, like cigarettes, it can get addictive). If your company prohibits games like that, find another five-minute diversion: a phone call, a stroll, or eating a piece of fruit outdoors (but not where smokers congregate).

10. Switch to a cup of herbal tea whenever you usually have a cigarette. That might be at breakfast, midmorning, or after meals. The act of brewing the tea and slowly sipping it as it cools will provide the same stress relief as a hit of nicotine.

1 。列一个名单,其中包括所有你喜欢吸烟的理由。在一张纸的中间向下划一条线,把他们写在一边,另一边列出所有你不喜欢的理由,如它是怎么阻碍你的健康,工作,家庭等,Daniel Z. Lieberman, M.D.(威尔丹尼尔利伯曼)医学博士建议,华盛顿特区乔治华盛顿大学临床精神病学研究中心主任。随着时间的推移想想名单,并作出修改。如果你足够的勇气,从家人和朋友那里反馈他们不喜欢你抽烟的信息。当消极的一面远远大于积极的一面,你准备撤出。

2 。然后列另一份名单——为什么戒烟并不容易。要彻底,即使名单很长令人沮丧。以下是最重要的部分:每条下面,列出一个或多个克服这一挑战的方法。举例来说,其中一个项可能是: “尼古丁是一种成瘾药物。”您的选择可能是:“尝试尼古丁替代品。 ”另一个原因可能是:“吸烟可以帮助我缓解压力。”您的选择可能是:“以后以五分钟的散步代替” 。您预期的戒烟的挑战解决方案越多,您成功的机会也就越大。

3 。设定戒烟日期和写一个“停止日期合同”,上面包括您的签名和支持证人。

4 。把所有的戒烟的原因写在索引卡上,并时刻把它保持在您的身边。这里有一些让你开始:“我的女儿,我的孙女,我的丈夫,我的妻子... ”你的想法。

5 。当您准备退出,停止购买条装香烟。相反,一次只买一包,并且一次只带两三根在身上(尽量把他们放在锡盒里)。最终你会发现,当你想吸烟时,你不会马上再有任何可用。这将慢慢使你戒烟至少是较少的香烟。

6 。在戒烟的前一个星期,列一份你什么时候吸烟的名单,在那个时间你正在做什么,以及渴望有多少强烈,看看是不是因为一天中特定时段或活动增加您的渴望,Gaylene Mooney建议,美国吸烟与烟草有关问题呼吸呵护小组委员会主席。然后在这些时候安排有趣,独特的事情,像我们在这里推荐的一些。

7 。准备一份当渴望来袭时要做的事的名单。建议包括:散步,喝一杯水,亲吻你的伴侣或孩子,为狗扔球,洗汽车,打扫一个柜子或壁橱,做爱,嚼一块口香糖,洗脸,刷牙,打盹,喝杯咖啡或茶,练习您的深呼吸,点蜡烛。复制一份清单并时刻带在身边,当渴望来袭时,您可以迅速拿出名单并快速做一些上面的事。

8 。当您戒烟的日子到来时,拒绝任何使你想起吸烟的东西。这里包括所有的吸烟用具-剩下的香烟,火柴,打火机,烟灰缸,烟斗,即便是你车上的点火器。

9 。工作休息时,在您的计算机上玩单人纸牌游戏代替抽烟。它大约在同一时间而且更有趣(虽然像香烟一样,它可能变得很上瘾)。如果您的公司禁止这样的游戏,寻找其他五分钟消遣:一个电话,散步,或到外面吃块水果(但不是吸烟者聚集的地方 )。

10 。把你通常抽烟的时间换成喝一杯凉茶。这也许是在吃早餐的时候,上午,或饭后。泡茶的过程和慢慢抿茶使它变凉 ,将提供和尼古丁冲击同样的应力消除。


关键词: 健康 戒烟
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