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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-07-19  浏览次数:343
核心提示:To many job seekers, stress is synonymous with job interview. 对许多求职者来说,压力就是面试的代名词。 Job seekers stress over landing an interview. Then they stress over preparing for it. And then they stress over what to wear, what to say, if the

To many job seekers, "stress" is synonymous with "job interview."


Job seekers stress over landing an interview. Then they stress over preparing for it. And then they stress over what to wear, what to say, if the interviewer will like them and more.


But the worst stress of all often occurs during the interview. This is the stress that can cause you to blow it. It can make you freeze, panic, chatter aimlessly, lose your train of thought or perspire profusely.


So how can job seekers keep cool when it counts? Relax. A few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves and sooth interview jitters.


Picture This 想象自己成功

You can make your dream a reality. Use your imagination to stay calm during a job interview.


Visualization is a relaxation technique in which you create a mental image of a stressful or challenging situation. Then you imagine yourself succeeding in the situation. By doing so, you're mentally preparing to handle the event in real life.


You can practice visualization in the days, hours or even minutes before an interview. Simply close your eyes and breathe deeply. Picture yourself greeting the interviewer confidently and answering tough questions with ease.


Practice succeeding in your imagination, and soon you'll be doing it in reality. 先练习在想象中面试成功,很快这便能“梦想成真”。


关键词: 面试 压力
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