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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2006-10-16  浏览次数:780
唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
常规裁军 conventional disarmament
常规武器 conventional weapon
长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强 As in the Yangtze River, the waves behind ride on the ones before: The new generation excels the old.
长江三峡和黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程 the key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River
长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
长江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River
唱名表决 roll-call vote
场内交易人 floor trader
长跑 a long-distance running
敞蓬轿车 open-topped limousine
长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe "
长期国债 long-term government bonds
常设国际法庭 permanent international tribunal
唱双簧 play a duet----collaborate; echo each other
畅通工程 Smooth Traffic Project
长途电话 long-distance calls
场外证券市场 over-the-counter market
常委会 standing committee
常务董事 managing director; excutive director
常务理事 executive member of the council
长线产品 product in excessive supply
倡议书 initial written proposal
长治久安 a long period of stability; prolonged political stability; lasting political stability
常驻代表 permanent representative
常驻记者 resident correspondent
常驻联合国代表 permanent representative to the United Nation
常驻使节 permanent envoy
长期建设国债 long-term treasury bonds for construction
产权和资产出让 property right and asset transfer
产权界定 delimitation of property rights
产权收益 income from property
超编人员 exceed personnel
超导元素 superconducting elements
超短波 ultrashort wave
超负荷运转 overloaded operation
超高速巨型计算机 giant, ultra-high-speed computer
炒汇 speculate in foreign currency
超级巨型油轮 ultra large crude carrier
炒金热 stock-market fever
炒买炒卖 speculation
超期羁押 detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits
超前教育 superior education
超前精神 a surpassing spirit
超前消费 pre-mature consumption; overconsume; excessive consumption
超前意识 superior consciousness
超生游击队 (sarcastic) people who give more births than birth quota allows
超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
潮汐电站 tidal power stations
超现实主义 surrealism
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