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「i.e. ,e.g. ,etc.」各自的意思及用法

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"I.e." and "e.g." are two of those tricky abbreviations that people often seem to confuse. Here's the quick and dirty tip: use "i.e." to introduce a further clarification and "e.g." to offer examples. In the sentence "I like to eat boardwalk food, i.e., funnel cake and french fries," the use of "i.e." indicates those are the only boardwalk foods I enjoy. On the other hand, if I were to say, "I like to eat boardwalk food, e.g., funnel cake and french fries," you would know those were just examples--I may also like snow cones and corn dogs.

i.e. 是拉丁文 id est 的缩写,它的意思就是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于“that is,in other words”,目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点。

e.g. 是拉丁文 exempli gratia 的缩写,它的意思是“举个例子,比如”,等同与“for example”,目的就是用几个例子来说明前面的观点。

etc.就比较好理解了,它是 etcetera 的缩写,意思是“等等”,相当于“and so on”。

e.g. 和 etc. 不能出现在同一句话中,因为 e.g. 是表示泛泛的举几个例子,并没有囊括所有的实例,其中就已经包含“等等”,如果再加一个 etc. 就画蛇添足了,例如下面这句话就是错的:Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.)

注意,用 i.e. 和 e.g. 还有 etc. 的时候,不要把“小点”给丢了。

关键词: i.e. e.g. etc.
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