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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-02-19
核心提示:生产麦芽威士忌的原材料是大麦、水和酵母,它的制作过程可分为以下五个步骤: 发芽(Malting) 大麦经过浸泡、发芽、烘干后,淀粉逐渐转换成糖份。整个过程会受以下因素的制约:大麦中可发酵物质(麦精)的多少、淀粉酶的活性、麦芽的流失率。 磨碎(Mashing) 将发芽后的大








    酵母是一种单细胞的微生物,这也就是说,它是一种个体只能通过显微镜才能观察出来的活的生物。它是植物王国里的一员, 真菌的一种。酵母有许多不同的种类,但是在蒸馏和酿造业中最常见的则是一种叫做Saccharomyces Cerevisiae的酿酒酵母。给这种极小的微生物一个形象的概念吧!把3个成熟的酵母细胞首尾相连,它的长度是1英寸的千分之一,而1磅的酵母中最多有70亿个细胞。







    The raw materials required for the production of Malt Whisky are barley, water and yeast. The production process can be broken down into five stages. 


    First the barley is MALTED, that is the barley is germinated to convert the starches in each grain into a simple sugar. Distillers look for plump, ripe barley with plenty of starch and not too much nitrogen.

    The object of malting is, therefore, to develop Enzymes and in particular Diastase of Malt and to modify or make friable the starch contained in the grain. This is carried out in three stages, steeping, germinating and kilning or drying. These processes must be affected in such a manner as to provide maximum fermentable matter (Malt Extract), adequate Diastolic Power and ensure minimum malting loss due to respiration etc. 


    The object of Mashing is to render soluble and to dissolve as much of the valuable contents of the Malt as is possible. This produces a sweet liquid or sugar solution termed Wort containing in addition to the sugars intermediate products. 

    The materials used in the Mashing process are Water and ground Malted Barley. The quality of the water plays an important part throughout this process and finally in the quality of the spirit produced.


    Yeast is a unicellular micro organism, that is to say, it is a living organism whose individual units are visible only under the microscope. It belongs to the planet kingdom and is classified as one of the fungi. There are many different species of yeast but the one normally encountered in the distilling and brewing industries is called Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. To give some ideas of the minute size of this micro-organism, three fully grown yeast cells placed end to end will measure only one thousandth part of an inch and in a 1 lb packet of yeast, there are approximately seven billion cells. (7,000,000,000,000). 


    Distilling takes place in pairs of copper pot stills with tall 'swan-necks'. One is usually larger than the other, otherwise their shapes, heights and sizes vary from distillery to distillery. The life of a still is between 15 and 30 years, depending on how hard it is used. 

    The two main operations in distilling are turning liquid into vapor and then vapor into liquid i.e. vaporization and then condensation. Distillation is simply a means of separation by these operations. A liquid can be separated from solids or one liquid from another and either the distillate or the residue collected. 


    In this discourse up to this point no mention has been made of whisky. This is simply because the spirit produced cannot legally be termed Scotch whisky until it has been matured in oak casks for at least three years.

    If it is intended to sell the Malt Spirit as a single Malt Whisky then at least eight years maturation or preferably ten to twelve years will be necessitated


关键词: 麦芽 威士忌 酿造
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