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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-02-28  浏览次数:510
核心提示:Biggest one-day increase wheat prices to fresh record high 小麦价格大涨20%,涨幅创新高 Prices of top-quality wheat jumped 20 per cent yesterday, the largest one-day increase ever, to a fresh all-time high as Kazakhstan, one of the world's largest exp

    Biggest one-day increase wheat prices to fresh record high


    Prices of top-quality wheat jumped 20 per cent yesterday, the largest one-day increase ever, to a fresh all-time high as Kazakhstan, one of the world's largest exporters of the grain, said it would impose export tariffs to curb sales.


    The move, which follows similar export restrictions in Russia and Argentina, is likely to put further pressure on already tight global wheat supplies, analysts said. Akhmetzhan Yesimov, Kazakhstan's minister of agriculture, said the government wanted to limit exports as it battles rising domestic inflation of nearly 20 per cent.

    分析师表示,此举可能会对业已紧张的全球小麦供应构成更大压力,此前俄罗斯和阿根廷也实行了类似的出口限制。哈萨克斯坦农业部长阿•叶西莫夫(Akhmetzhan Yesimov)表示,政府希望限制出口,目前该国正在应对日益上升的国内通胀,通胀率将近20%。

    “Whatever happens we will soon limit exports,” Mr Yesimov said. Kazakh grain, prized for its high protein and gluten content, is similar to some of the scarce top-quality North American crops that jumped in price yesterday.




关键词: 小麦 价格 涨幅
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