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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-10-22  浏览次数:880
核心提示:大白菜是我国最著名的大众蔬菜,同时还是重要的药用食物,对人体有补中、消食、利尿、通便、清肺热、止痰咳等作用,可以治疗肺热咳喘、便秘、腹泻、感冒、冻疮等现症。其验方有: (1)肺热咳喘:白菜心1个,用筷子扎数个小孔,装入冰糖,在砂锅中蒸熟,吃后盖被保暖。







Chinese cabbage is not only one of the most popular vegetables, but also a very important medicinal food. It can replenish the middle-jiao, aid to digest the food, can be diuretic and a purge; and be helpful with clearing away the pathogenic heat of lung, Constipation, diarrhea, cold and chilblain. The proved recipes are as follows:

(1)     The pathogenic heat of lung: prepare one heart of Chinese cabbage which was filled with rock candy in the holes that pricked beforehand, boil it in an earthen pot, and Keep warm after eating.

(2)     Constipation: clean and slice the  leaves of Chinese cabbage, fry them with oil to over medium, add the liquid mixed by soy sauce, sugar, vinegar and little starch, then it can be eat after tossing.

(3)     Lientery: clean and cut up the leaves or the hearts of Chinese cabbage, fry them with seasoning, then it can be ate after mashing.

(4)     Cold: clean the roots of Chinese cabbage, and fry them first and then add some water to make some soup. One cup can be divided into 2-3 times for one day. Wash hands with it can cure the chilblain

(5)     Chilblain: clean and slice the Chinese cabbage, make pottage with them, wash chilblain with the pottage every night.

关键词: 大白菜 食疗 菜谱
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