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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-12-17
核心提示:Different Exercise Affects Appetite Differently Well, here I am on my exercise bike, anticipating the excesses of the holidays. All those cookies and candies and maybe a glass or two of eggnog. At the very least, I figure maybe a few good turns on t

    Different Exercise Affects Appetite Differently

    Well, here I am on my exercise bike, anticipating the excesses of the holidays. All those cookies and candies and maybe a glass or two of eggnog. At the very least, I figure maybe a few good turns on the exercycle will keep me from snacking before I hit the buffet table.

    But a new study from the U.K. suggests that when it comes to suppressing appetite, not all exercise is created equal. The researchers followed 11 male university students as they jogged for an hour on a treadmill or spent 90 minutes lifting weights. And they found that the treadmill workout altered the production of two different hormones that control appetite. Whereas pumping iron only affected one. Which suggests that aerobic exercise is a better appetite suppressant than muscle building.

    And the students’ stomachs agreed. Although both workouts curbed the students’ appetities, the run left them even less hungry than the weight lifting, results that appear in the online edition of the American Journal of Physiology.

    Lucky for me, it looks like I’m ok with the exercise bike. But don’t worry if dumbbells are your thing. I’m sure lifting weights can also keep you from noshing. As long as you’re holding them while you’re at the party.


    同时这些学生的胃也不反对这个结果。虽然上述两种锻炼都能抑制这些学生的胃口,但是与举重相比,跑步让他们饥饿感更弱一些。这项研究在线发表在《美国生理学杂志》上(American Journal of Physiology)。


    Anticipate: 预期;期待 
    Excess: 过剩 
    Eggnog: 蛋蜜乳(一种饮料) 
    Snack: 小吃 
    Suppress: 抑制 
    Jog: 慢跑 
    Treadmill: 跑步机 
    Workout: 锻炼 
    Aerobic: 有氧的 
    Curb: 控制 
    Dumbbell: 哑铃 
    Nosh: (俚语)吃点心、快餐

关键词: 锻炼 食欲 影响
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