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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-06-05
核心提示:Since ancient times, cherry is called the fruit of beauty. Recorded in ancient Chinese medicine, it can nourish the skin, enrich healthy color. Take it regularly can make the skin more smooth and moisturizing. This is mainly because the cherry is ex

    Since ancient times, cherry is called the "fruit of beauty." Recorded in ancient Chinese medicine, it can "nourish the skin," "enrich healthy color." Take it regularly can make the skin more smooth and moisturizing. This is mainly because the cherry is extremely rich in iron content, the iron content for evrey 100gm pulp is 6-fold of the same weight of strawberry's, 10 times of jujube's, 13 times of Hawthorn's, and 20 times of Apple's, ranking first in all kinds of fruit. Computer professionals should eat more cherries.

    Iron is a raw material for synthesis of human hemoglobin, for women, with the utmost importance. World Health Organization investigation showed that about 50% of the girls, 20% of adult women, 40% of pregnant women can have iron deficiency anemia.

    This is foremost determined by the physiological characteristics: Adolescent girls with strong growth and development, the body's demand for iron, coupled with menstrual, are prone to iron deficiency anemia; iron requirements of pregnancy breast-feeding women needing to supply nutrients for the fetus or infant have greatly increased; older women with dysfunction of absorbing gastrointestinal tract and weak hematopoiesis would also lead to the occurrence of anemia. Secondly, many women do not like to eat meat, resulting in nutritional imbalances, leading to an important cause of iron deficiency. Therefore, eating cherries can alleviate not only anemia, but also the treatment of resulting series of gynecological diseases.

    Should choose to buy cherries, pick ones with tampuk with brilliant color and plump skin, and if there are any leftover, it is best to preserve in the refrigerator 1 ℃ below zero. Cherry belonging to berry category is easily damaged, so we must handle them gently. Moreover, the cherry, though good, but also careful not to eat too many, because besides rich with iron, it also contians a certain amount of cyanide-containing glycosides, excessive consumption of iron can cause poisoning or cyanide poisoning. Once discomfort occurs due to over eating cherry, take sugar cane juice to clear away heat and toxic. At the same time, warm cherry has warm nature, not suitable for people suffering from pathogenic heat and coughing.

    樱桃自古就被叫做“美容果”。中医古籍记载,“滋润皮肤”、“令人好颜色,美态”,常吃能够让皮肤更加光滑润泽。这主要是因为樱桃中含铁量极其丰富,每百克果肉中铁的含量是同等重量的草莓的6倍、枣的10倍、山楂的13倍、苹果的20倍,居各种水果之首。 电脑族应多吃樱桃。



关键词: 樱桃 妇科疾病
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