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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-09-28
核心提示:Research conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston said that the herbal medicine from China which is used to treat patients with heart problems may have a nitric oxide levels are very high. Nitric oxide works to widen the

    Research conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston said that the herbal medicine from China which is used to treat patients with heart problems may have a nitric oxide levels are very high. Nitric oxide works to widen the arteries. This research was also conducted at the University Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine for the Prevention of Human Diseases (IMM) and published in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine.

    Nitric oxide (NO) is an enzyme that plays an important role in the system of the heart and blood vessels that function as enzymes that play a role in the relaxation of blood vessels to facilitate blood flow to the heart and circulation system. In addition, the NO molecule itself also has the effect of lowering blood pressure and reduces the formation of blockages in blood vessels.

    The results of research on traditional medicine of China show the primary bioactivity of nitric oxide blood vessels and the ability to change nitrate to nitrite or nitric oxide. Herbal formulas included in the traditional medicine of China, where acupuncture and massage included.

    The researchers also tested this concoction through animal experiments and obtained the result that all herbs have a relaxing effect on blood vessels levels different. Human studies to date is still planned.


    一氧化氮(NO)是在心脏和血管系统中起重要作用的一种酶,它作为酶起作用,扮演着让血管放松以便血液流入心脏和循环系统的角色。此外,NO 分子本身也具有降低血压、减少血管阻塞物生成的效果。



关键词: 中草药 医疗作用
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