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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-07-22  浏览次数:382
核心提示:policy-based closure and bankruptcy 政策性关闭破产 the direct, two-way and complete Three Links 直接、双向、全面三通 take the preemptive opportunities 抢得先机 returns on equity (ROE) 权益回报率 ground-breaking ceremony 破土动工仪式 trials of comp

  policy-based closure and bankruptcy 政策性关闭破产

  the direct, two-way and complete “Three Links” 直接、双向、全面“三通”

  take the preemptive opportunities 抢得先机

  returns on equity (ROE) 权益回报率

  ground-breaking ceremony 破土动工仪式

  trials of comprehensive rural reform 农村综合试点改革

  ethnocentrism 民族优越感

  the populace's cultivation 国民素质

  tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology; tackle hard-nut problems on the strength of science and technology 科技攻关

  commercialize scientific and technological results; to gear scientific and technological achievements to the market and production 科技成果市场化、产业化

  expand citizens' participation in political affairs in an orderly way 扩大公民有序的政治参与

  technology transfer 技术转让

  primary-level cultural undertakings 基层文化建设

  continue with the past and open up the future 继往开来

  streamline administration and delegate power; streamline administration and institute decentralization 简政放权

  enhance trust, reduce trouble, develop cooperation and avoid confrontation 增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗

  separate secondary lines of business from core business, turn secondary lines into independent companies 主辅分离,辅业改制

  systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearing, and for accountability in policy-making 重大问题集体决策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公开和社会听证制度、决策责任制度


关键词: 商务 词汇
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